2.1 avogadro's hypothesisAVOGADRO'S HYPOTHESIS
2.2 application of avogadro's hypothesisAPPLICATION OF AVOGADRO'S HYPOTHESIS
2.3 dalton's atomic theoryDALTON'S ATOMIC THEORY
2.4 calculations based on mole conceptCALCULATIONS BASED ON MOLE CONCEPT
2.5..1 laws of stoichiometryLAWS OF STOICHIOMETRY
2.5..2 laws of stoichiometryLAWS OF STOICHIOMETRY
3.1 rutherford's atomic modelRUTHERFORD'S ATOMIC MODEL
3.2 bohr's atomic modelBOHR'S ATOMIC MODEL
3.3 wave mechanical model of atomWAVE MECHANICAL MODEL OF ATOM
3.3 hund's rule of max spin multiplicityHUND'S RULE OF MAX SPIN MULTIPLICITY
3.3 origin of hydrogen spectraORIGIN OF HYDROGEN SPECTRA
3.4 concept of probability and atomic orbital CONCEPT OF PROBABILITY AND ATOMIC ORBITAL
5.1 valence shell, valence electron and octet theoryVALENCE SHELL, VALENCE ELECTRON AND OCTET THEORY
5.2 ionic bonds and its propertiesIONIC BONDS AND ITS PROPERTIES
5.3 covalent bond and its propertiesCOVALENT BOND AND ITS PROPERTIES
5.4 co-ordinate covalent bond and it's propertiesCO-ORDINATE COVALENT BOND AND IT'S PROPERTIES
5.5 lewis dot structureLEWIS DOT STRUCTURE
5.6..1 vsepr theoryVSEPR THEORY
5.8 bond characteristicsBOND CHARACTERISTICS
5.9 hybridizationHYBRIDIZATION
5.10 vanderwal's force and molecular solidVANDERWAL'S FORCE AND MOLECULAR SOLID
6.1 concept of oxidation and reductionCONCEPT OF OXIDATION AND REDUCTION
6.2 oxidation numberOXIDATION NUMBER
6.5 balancing redox reaction by ion electron methodBALANCING REDOX REACTION BY ION ELECTRON METHOD
6.6 qualitative aspect of electrolysisQUALITATIVE ASPECT OF ELECTROLYSIS
6.7 faraday's first law of electrolysisFARADAY'S FIRST LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS
6.8 faraday's second law of electrolysisFARADAY'S SECOND LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS
7.1..2 charle's lawCHARLE'S LAW
7.1..3 avogadro's lawAVOGADRO'S LAW
7.1..4 combined gas equationCOMBINED GAS EQUATION
7.1..5 daltons law of partial pressureDALTONS LAW OF PARTIAL PRESSURE
7.1..7 ideal gas equationIDEAL GAS EQUATION
7.1..8 numericals of ideal gas equationNUMERICALS OF IDEAL GAS EQUATION
7.1..9 deviation of real gas from ideal behaviourDEVIATION OF REAL GAS FROM IDEAL BEHAVIOUR
7.1..10 kinetic theory of gas and its postulateKINETIC THEORY OF GAS AND ITS POSTULATE
7.9..9 numericals of charle's lawNUMERICALS OF CHARLE'S LAW
7.9 crystalline solid and amorphous solidCRYSTALLINE SOLID AND AMORPHOUS SOLID
7.9 numericals of dalton's law of partial pressureNUMERICALS OF DALTON'S LAW OF PARTIAL PRESSURE
7.9 graham's law of diffusionGRAHAM'S LAW OF DIFFUSION
7.10 numericals of combined gas equationNUMERICALS OF COMBINED GAS EQUATION
9.4 nitrogen (hno3) part 1NITROGEN (HNO3) PART 1
9.4..1 nitrogen (hno3)-part 2NITROGEN (HNO3)-PART 2
9.5 properties and uses of h2s gas.PROPERTIES AND USES OF H2S GAS.
9.6 carbon compounds (co)CARBON COMPOUNDS (CO)
9.7 isotopes of hydrogen and irs applications.ISOTOPES OF HYDROGEN AND IRS APPLICATIONS.
9.8 nitrogen compound-ammonia gas preparation .NITROGEN COMPOUND-AMMONIA GAS PREPARATION .
10.1 types of metallurgyTYPES OF METALLURGY
10.3 different terms used in metallurgyDIFFERENT TERMS USED IN METALLURGY
10.4 sodium hydroxideSODIUM HYDROXIDE
10.4 alkali metalsALKALI METALS
10.5 extraction of sodium by down's processEXTRACTION OF SODIUM BY DOWN'S PROCESS
10.6..6 compounds of calcium and magnesiumCOMPOUNDS OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM
10.7..7 properties and uses of sodiumPROPERTIES AND USES OF SODIUM
10.8..8 sodium carbonateSODIUM CARBONATE
10.9..9 alkaline earth metalsALKALINE EARTH METALS
10.11..11 periodic trend in ionization potential PERIODIC TREND IN IONIZATION POTENTIAL
10.13 general principle of extraction of metal part 2GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF EXTRACTION OF METAL PART 2
13.2..1 nomenclature of hydrocarbonsNOMENCLATURE OF HYDROCARBONS
13.6 detection of foreign elementsDETECTION OF FOREIGN ELEMENTS
13.7 inductive effectINDUCTIVE EFFECT
13.8 attacking reagentATTACKING REAGENT
13.9 covalent bond fissionCOVALENT BOND FISSION
13.10 structural isomerism and its typesSTRUCTURAL ISOMERISM AND ITS TYPES
15.1 introduction and scope of chemistryINTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF CHEMISTRY
15.2 basic concept of chemistry (part 2)BASIC CONCEPT OF CHEMISTRY (PART 2)
15.2 percentage composition from molecular formulaPERCENTAGE COMPOSITION FROM MOLECULAR FORMULA
15.2 basic concept of chemistry(part 1)BASIC CONCEPT OF CHEMISTRY(PART 1)
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